Today's Network's = Tomorrow's Net Worth!




All Listing Are FREE With No Strings Attached! 


My son would be upset if I did not add a plug for him! 
Following is what he spends most of his time on (when he is not with his little 6-year old angel): 

Serving Young Adults across the spectrum. Be advised, there is a waiting list; however, he is expanding as fast as he is able to find and train care consultants.  Contact us @ 310-951-9517 / Email: 

<>  RANDYJDOWDY.COM AKA THESNEAKERTEMPLE.COM - My son tells me that he has whatever you are looking for or can find it in short order.  Email him at:
PS:  I am unable to do business with all the great business owners I meet so I decided to try and support you by offering a "Free Word Ad Listing!" If this is of interest to you, email me your word only ad listing and I will post it here!  

All ads are listed by City and As received, (NO Short Term Ads)!


Networking Groups Only


Realtors & Real Estate Agents 


Small Business Owners


Contact Us!


"the Colonel"
Carlton L. Dowdy, US Army, "Ret."
VOLLARA.COM/GODOWDY - ActivePure Air & Water Purification Systems
DOWDYNSON.WEARELEGALSHIELD.COM - Business and family Legal & ID Theft Plans (Walk around with your lawyer in your back pocket)!  


Email: / Ph: 714-273-5223